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나 혼자 영어 회화 일곱번째 (Telephone English)

by 나그네-D 2023. 7. 11.

요즘 날씨가 점점 습하고 더워지고 있습니다.

코로나는 아직도 기승을 부리고 있어 마스크 착용자 분들이 주변에 하나 둘 늘어가는 느낌을 받습니다. 

아마도 에어컨을 가동 하자니 실내 환기를 덜 하게 되는 이유가 있지 않을까 생각해 봅니다. 그래도 다행인건 코로나의 증상이 예전처럼 심각하게 나타나는게 아니라 감기 증상과 거의 비슷하게 나타난다는 정도....

바깥엔 비가 폭우처럼 쏟아 지지만 그래도 영어 공부 시작 합니다.


 1.  Making a call

Hi / Hellow

This is Jin su (your name). I'm calling from Oasis generate solution.(Company name) 

- Introduction

How's it going?

How are you?

Good, Thanks.

What about you?

- Asking for some one (formal)

Is Ji yeon there?

Is Ji yeon around?

Can i talk to Ji yeon?

- Purpose of the call (formal)

I'm calling to ask about your consulting services.

Could you tell me  how much it costs and duration.(in formal)

I just wanted to ask if you're free to meet somtime this week.

(이번주 언제쯤 만날수 있을지 물어보고 싶었어요)


- Asking when someone will be available (상대방이 현재 자리에 없을때)

When would be a good time to call?

When will he be back?

Do you know when he'll be back?

- Leaving a message (메모를 남길때)

Could you take a message for him?

I'd like to leave her message.

Could you ask him to call me back?

Please tell him that I'm in town.

Please let her know that i would like to meet her.


2. Take a call

- Introduction

Good morning / Good afternoon. Oasis generate solution, Jin su speaking.

Thank you for calling Oasis generate solution. This is Jin su.

How may i help you?

What can i do for you?

- 상대방이 신분을 알려 주지 않을때

Could I ask who's calling?

May I ask Who's calling?

Where are you calling from, Please?


 - 상대방이 잠시 대기해야 되는 경우

Please hold.

Let me transfer you.

Hang on a second. (informal)


-  Saying someone isn't available (전화 연결이 불가능 할 때)

I'm sorry, he's on under call right now.

I'm sorry, She's not here today.

I'm afraid he's not available at the moment.

He's not his office right now.

She isn't back from work yet.

He's gone to the movies with his friends.

- Taking a message

Can I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

I'll let her know that you called. 

I'll ask him to call you as soon as he gets back.

(그가 돌아 오는 대로 당신께 전화 하라고 하겠습니다.)

- Asking for information

Would you happen to know when the conference takes place?

Can you give me a tentative date? (tentative = approximate)

(잠정적인 날짜를 알려 주실 수 있나요?)

Can I have your name and number, please?


- Having difficulty with a call (통화에 어려움 발생시)

Sorry, I can't hear you very well.

Could you speak a little more loudly, please?

Could I call you back, please?

Could you repeat that?

It looks like we have a bad connection.

Can you say that again?

- Making arrangements (약속 잡기)

How about next Friday?

(다음 주 금요일 어때요?)

Would tomorrow work for you?

(내일 일 할 수 있나요?)

Shall we say September 12?

(제안, 9월 12로 할까요?)

- Asking for suggestions / Preferences (제안)

What would you suggest?

What would you prefer?

Do you have a place in mind? 

(염두에 두고 있는 장소가 있나요?)

- Making requests (요청)

Could you send me the details by email, please?

(자세한 내용을 이메일로 보내 주시겠습니까?)

Would you mind calling back tomorrow?

(내일 다시 전화 주시겠습니까?)

- Responding to a request (답변)

Yes, I'd be happy to. (기꺼이 하겠습니다.)

Sure, no problem. (문제 없습니다.)

I'll email you details right away.

Sorry. I can't do that. (할 수 없습니다.)

I'm afraid I don't have that information. (그런 정보가 없어서 죄송합니다.)

I'll have to get back to you on that. (그것에 대해 당신과 다시 이야기 해야 할  것 같습니다.)


- Ending the call

It was nice talking to you.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your time.

Have a nice day.

Anyway, I should get going.

Talk to you later.


12분 짜리 영상 공부한 내용을 정리한 것인데 정리시간은 한시간이 더 걸렸네요.. ^^;;

평소 전화 업무에 쓰이는 표현들이 많아서 좋은 영상 이였던것 같습니다.

오늘은 이만.. ^^





