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나 혼자 영어 회화 열 한번째 (IELTS speaking interview part 2)

by 나그네-D 2023. 8. 18.

태풍 카눈이 지나갔습니다.

모두들 태풍 피해 없이 무사히 지내셨기를 바라면서 오늘도 영어 공부 시작 해 봅니다.

Part1 부분에 이어 Part2 부분에 대한 영상으로 학습한 내용이므로 Part1에 대한 내용은 태그로 남겨져 있는 글을 참조 하시면 좋을 듯 합니다.


Examiner (시험관)

Now let's move on to part2. 

Now in this part, I'm going to give you a topic. 

And I'd like you to talk about for one or two minutes.

Ok? Before you talk, You will have one minute to think about it.

You take a notes, If you wish.

Here's your que card, and  here's the paper and the pencil.

OK, You have to describe a time when you had to solve a problem.

From now your time starts.

- Guide line-

You should say:

-  What the problem was

- When and where it happened

- How you solved the problem

- What the outcom was


Remember you have one or two minutes for this.

So don't worry if i stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up.

Would you please start now?


Examinee (수험자)

OK, so today I would like to talk about a problem that I face and had to solve under pressure.

It was a year ago When I first started my university.

We were given a group project in our marketing course.

We were tasked to design a comprehensive marketing strategy for a local startup.

Suddenly we faced in significant problem.

When one of the team members, Promptly decided to leave the course leaving us shorthanded.

Every individual was assigned a specific part of the task.

(모든 개인에게 작업의 특정 부분이 할당되었습니다.)

So it was very difficult us to cope up with that since we were already behind schedule.

So we immediately decided to arrange a meeting.

And brainstorm ideas on how to mitigate the impact of losing a team member.

We redistributed the workload amongst the remaining members.

And dicided to ask for an extension of deadline  from our faculty.

We redistributed the workload according to the special skills and strength of every individual on the team.

After asking our faculty, he was kind enough of to analyze our situation and give us an extension of one week to submit our assignment. After that we work relentlessly and diligently.

And we open communication channels worked effectively, helped each other throughout the entire process, communicated with in each other in every part of the step.

And finally our hard work paid off. We were able to complete the assignment on time.

(그리고 마침내 우리의 노력이 결실을 맺었습니다. 제시간에 과제를 완료할 수 있었습니다.)

And after that, we were also asked to present our ideas in front of the university faculties.

(그 후, 우리는 또한 대학 교수진 앞에서 우리의 아이디어를 발표하라는 요청을 받았습니다.)

Due to our report being extraordinary. (우리의 보고서가 특별 했기 때문입니다.)

So what I learned from this experience was the importance of adaptability, good communication skills and team work.

And I also learned the fact that having a obstacle doesn't necessarily always mean an issue.

(그리고 장애가 있다고 해서 항상 문제가 되는 것은 아니라는 사실도 배웠습니다.)

It could also be a way for people to show how resourceful they can be.

(또한 사람들이 얼마나 수완이 있는지 보여줄 수 있는 방법이 될 수 있습니다.)


Examiner (시험관)

OK,  thank you.

May I have the pencile and the paper please?

Thank you.


Examiner (시험관)

Okay, now I'm going to have ask you some follow up questions.

Do you think the problem could have been prevented?

Examinee (수험자)

Not really, I don't think the problem could have been prevented.

Because a faculty decided the team member for each group and it was not possible for us to understand the intention of an individual just by getting to know them.


Examiner (시험관)

Okay, And how would you handle a similar problem If it happens again in the future?


Examinee (수험자)

Well first of all, I would start by analyzing group members and making sure every individual is equally involved in the project as me. And after that, if the problem still arises, then i would solve it the way i did a year ago.


Examiner (시험관)

Now move on to part3, 



오늘은 IELTS speaking interview part 2 에대한 영상을 공부하면서 듣고, 타이핑, 말하기 까지 연습을 해 보았습니다.

모르는 단어는 몇개 없지만 막상 면접장에서 이렇게 말하기란 쉽지않아보이네요.. ^^ (연습... 연습..)

Part 3 내용은 또 다음에 공부 해서 올려 보도록 하겠습니다.


오늘은 이만.


참고로 위 스크립트에 대한 영상은 아래 링크 남겨 놓겠습니다.

BARCTV / Band 9 IELTS Speaking interview (Perfect Pronunciation)



오늘의 단어

1.comprehensive : 포괄적인

2. shorthanded : 일손이모자라는, 인원 부족의

3. cope [koʊp]: 대처하다,  ~ with: 에 대처하다.

4. mitigate : 완화시키다.

5. faculty : 능력, 학부, 교수단

6. relentlessly [rɪˈlentləsle] : 끈질지게, 용서없이, 억척같이

7. diligently [ dílədƷəntli] : 부지런히, 열심히

8. paid off : 수익이 있는

9. adaptability : 적응성, 순응성, 융통성

10. obstacle : 장애, 장애물
